The Far East taiga forest unrecognized inhospitable terrain for migrating Arctic-nesting waterbirds
Time:2021-05-10Source: 原創(chuàng) Hits:
Wang, X., Cao, L., Bysykatova, I., Xu, Z., Rozenfeld, S., Jeong, W.,
Vangeluwe, D., Zhao, Y., Xie, T., Yi, K. and Fox, A.D., 2018. The Far
East taiga forest: unrecognized inhospitable terrain for migrating
Arctic-nesting waterbirds?. PeerJ, 6, p.e4353. (小天鵝,豆雁,白額雁,白鶴,HQXS
The degree of inhospitable terrain encountered by migrating birds can
dramatically affect migration strategies and their evolution as well as
influence the way we develop our contemporary flyway conservation
responses to protect them. We used telemetry data from 44 tagged
individuals of four large-bodied, Arctic breeding waterbird species (two
geese, a swan and one crane species) to show for the first time that
these birds fly non-stop over the Far East taiga forest, despite their
differing ecologies and migration routes. This implies a lack of
suitable taiga refuelling habitats for these long-distance migrants.
These results underline the extreme importance of northeast China spring
staging habitats and of Arctic areas prior to departure in autumn to
enable birds to clear this inhospitable biome, confir